Technology Innovation Institute Joins Forces with Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation on Quantum Projects for Nuclear Reactors

Oct 27, 2023
Technology Innovation Institute Joins Forces with Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation on Quantum Projects for Nuclear Reactors


We are pleased to share that our Quantum Research Center (QRC) team recently met with board representatives of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) at our offices to officially kick off two new collaborative projects focused on quantum-inspired algorithms for simulating the physics inside nuclear reactors. 

We are pleased to share that our Quantum Research Center (QRC) team recently met with board representatives of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) at our offices to officially kick off two new collaborative projects focused on quantum-inspired algorithms for simulating the physics inside nuclear reactors.

The meeting zeroed in on plotting a three-year roadmap for the projects that will help develop quantum-inspired algorithms for solving fluid and neutron dynamics and explore the potential advantages of these new algorithms against conventional approaches. The projects will enable novel mathematical frameworks to extend quantum-inspired techniques to perform fluid and neutronic simulations.

The collaborative projects, one of which will also involve the Emirates Nuclear Technology Center (ENTC) at Khalifa University (KU), aim to bridge the gap between state-of-the-art quantum-inspired algorithms and research in the field of nuclear reactor physics. The first three-year stage of the projects will focus on computational methods to solve the Navier-Stokes and neutron transport equation for relevant nuclear-energy industry applications.

The algorithms produced by the research collaboration could lead to the development of efficient software for numerical simulations. This research can provide insights into applying quantum algorithms to real-world applications.

Here’s looking forward to some incredible outcomes from these projects for our brilliant QRC team! Stay tuned!

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