Professor Mérouane Debbah to accept awards for two research papers at the 2022 IEEE ICC in Seoul

May 20, 2022
Prof. Mérouane Debbah


Our heartiest congratulations to Prof. Mérouane Debbah, Chief Researcher, AI Cross-Center Unit, and Chief Researcher of the Digital Science Research Center (DSRC) who was recently awarded not just one, but two awards for two of his papers; the 2022 IEEE Communications Society Outstanding Paper Award for “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces vs. Relaying: Differences, Similarities, and Performance Comparison” and the IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award for “On the Tradeoff between Energy, Precision, and Accuracy in Federated Quantized Neural Networks”.

The IEEE Communications Society, an international community of engineers, academics, and practitioners dedicated to advancing communications technology for the betterment of all, recognized Prof. Debbah’s outstanding research and immeasurable impact on the field of wireless communications and neural network technology.

His first paper focused on the analysis of Large Intelligent Surfaces, a fundamental technology for the employment of the next generation 6G system.

Prof. Debbah discussed the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) in wireless networks and explored the major distinctions and similarities between RISs that are designed to operate as anomalous reflectors and relays. Furthermore, the paper underlines the spectral efficiency gains of RISs, exemplified by numerical results, based on their substantially large size in comparison with the wavelength of the radio waves. Prof. Debbah’s research efforts also highlight key open issues that need to be tackled in order to unlock the potential benefits of RISs for implementation in wireless communications and networks.

The second paper looked at how distributed AI algorithms can be designed in a green, sustainable way that would simultaneously enable accurate AI learning and efficient energy consumption for computing and communication. The solution to this fundamental issue is further explored through the introduction of quantized neural networks, a rapidly emerging field in AI that focuses on decreased energy consumption while still maintaining a green operation and ensuring accuracy of results.

Both awards will be presented to Prof. Debbah at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) held in Seoul, South Korea.

We are extremely proud of your success and contributions to the communication sciences community, Prof. Debbah! Here’s to many more industry accolades in the coming years!

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