QRC Seminar Series - Prof. Serge Massar

Jan 19, 2024


Prof. Serge Massar


Prof. Serge Massar

Laboratoire d’Information Quantique. Université libre de Bruxelles

19th January 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm (Auditorium 1)


Title:Quantum Computing and Quantum Communication, A Perspective
Abstract:Serge Massar graduated in physics from the Université Libre de Bruxelles in 1991 with highest honours (La Plus Grande Distinction). He then began research in theoretical physics under the direction of Prof. Robert Brout. He defended his PhD in 1995 with highest honours (La Plus Grande Distinction). From 1995 to 1997 he was a post-doctoral researcher at Tel Aviv University (Israel), and then from 1997 to 1998 at Utrecht University (Netherlands). In 1998 he came back to the ULB as a Research Associate of the Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS, and 10 years later was promoted to its highest rank, Research Director. In 2012 he integrated the ULB faculty, and was soon promoted to the highest rank, “Professeur Ordinaire”. For 2 years in 2014-15, Serge Massar was Director of the Physics Department at ULB. During his career he coordinated several European and Belgian research networks. Since 2004 he is Director of the Laboratoire d’Information Quantique of the Physics Department at ULB. Amongst other recognitions, he was awarded the Alcatel-Bell prize of the FNRS for his research on experimental quantum information processing, the 2010 La Recherche prize for his work on certified quantum random number generation and was awarded the best paper award at the highly competitive Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) in 2012 for his work on the Travelling Salesman Problem. He has co-authored over 130 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and over 70 conference proceedings.
Bio:Irfan Siddiqi is the head of the Physics Department at UC Berkeley where he is the Douglas Giancoli Chair Professor. He is also a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and a Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research group focuses on the development of advanced superconducting circuits for quantum information processing, including computation and metrology. Irfan is also the director of the Advanced Quantum Testbed at LBNL, which develops and operates full-stack quantum computing platforms based on superconducting qubits. He is known for key contributions to quantum measurement science, including real time observations of wavefunction collapse, tests of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, quantum feedback, and the development of a range of microwave frequency, quantum noise limited amplifiers and detectors. Irfan is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and the recipient of its George E. Valley prize and Joseph F. Keithley Award. He is also a recipient of the Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award—the university’s highest award for commitment to pedagogy.