QRC Seminar Series: Dr. Alessandro Braggio

Jan 17, 2024
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Dr. Alessandro Braggio

Istituto di Nanoscienze CNR-NANO,P.zza San Silvestro 12 Pisa (Italy)

NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore, P.zza San Silvestro 12 Pisa (Italy)


17th January 2023, 5:00pm - 6:00pm (GST)


Title:Non-local thermoelectricity in topological systems

Historically thermoelectricity has been investigated as the property to generate electricity by simple temperature gradients. Recently in gap-asymmetric superconducting tunnel junctions have been predicted[1] and reported[2] that nonlinear temperature gradients can induce a strong bipolar thermoelectricity by spontaneous PH symmetry breaking as determined by intrinsic interacting nature hidden in the superconducting state[3]. However, we also showed that other PH symmetric systems such as topological Josephson junctions can host unexpected nonlocal thermoelectric as a consequence of the helical nature of the edge states[4] or by the effect of crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) processes in the presence of a superconducting phase difference [5]. Finally, we will discuss in details how the nonlocal thermoelectrictity can be used to address interaction effects in integer quantum Hall (IQH) systems[6]. In particular, nonlocal thermoelectricity directly measure the heat-exchange as purely induced by Coulomb interactions between channels directly measuring also the role of cross-correlations in the heat exchange and how an out-of-equilibrium interacting system will reach thermal distributions. In conclusion, we demonstrated different example where the thermoelectrical properties are not simply interesting in itself but could shine light on physical properties [7] or novel setups [8].


[1] G. Marchegiani, A. Braggio, and F. Giazotto Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 106801 (2020) [

2] G. Germanese, F. Paolucci, G. Marchegiani, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto Nature Nanotech. 17 1084 (2022)

[3] S. Battisti, G. De Simoni, L. Chirolli, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto, arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.14114

[4] G. Blasi, F. Taddei, L: Arrachea, M. Carrega, A. Braggio Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 227701 (2020)

[5] G. Blasi, F. Taddei, L. Arrachea, M. Carrega, A. Braggio Phys. Rev. B 102, 241302(R) (2020)

[6] A. Braggio, M. Carrega, B. Sothmann, R. Sánchez arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.09410

[7] C. Guarcello, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto, R. Citro, Phys. Rev. B 108, L100511 (2023)

[8] G. Blasi, G. Haack, V. Giovannetti, F. Taddei, A. Braggio Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033142 (2023)