Energy Technologies


Bio and Chemical Energy Group          
  • Production systems (blue and green H2, PtL, SAF, Biodiesels)
  • Delivery systems and safety - land, sea, air
  • Storage systems
  • Derivatives: Ammonia / Methanol / ++
  • Fuel Cell applications
Power Technologies Group
  • Large Scale Stationary / Renewable and domestic energy storage systems for grid and off grid
    • Low-cost, sustainable battery systems based on Na-ion chemistry (NIB)
  • Low and high temperature fuel cells and electrolyser development
    • Anion exchange membranes (AEME), Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC), Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  • Electrification – Automotive and man portable
    • High energy dense Li-on batteries and next generation including quasi solid-state, Li-metal enabled anode and excess Li cathode technologies
    • All Solid-State Batteries (ASSBs)
  • Step changes in battery, fuel cell, electrolyser and performance through novel material design and engineering
    • Unique GDL, MEA, PTL and membrane designs for fuel cells and electrolysers
    • Improved voltage efficiency via novel electrode design and engineering
  • Research on next generation chemistries such as Al-air , Mg-ion and Li-air
  • Novel electrode manufacturing such as dry, solvent-free electrode coatings
    • Improved cell energy density, reduced manufacturing costs, lower C-footprint environmental impact and better recycling components
  • Recycling and Upcycling projects
 Renewable Energy Group        
  • Next generation substrates: Multi-Junction and Perovskites
  • Low/zero water cleaning systems
  • Thermal energy capture from panels
  • Floating solar: cooling and evaporation reduction
  • Low energy tracking systems (>by 25-40%)
  • Solar project modelling and prediction
  • Low speed wind and vertical axis wind technologies
 Energy Modelling Group        
  • Climate change impact – CO2, NOx, CH4
  • System / Grid Design and Optimization
    • Decision frameworks, Scenario modelling, Optimisation
    • Generative design
    • Prediction & Control (Traditional and AI based - minute, hour, day, month)
    • Building Management Systems
  • Technology modelling
    • Core Performance
    • Site specific performance
    • Specification testing / setting

Water Technologies


  • Renewable powered desalination – thermal and Reverse Osmosis
  • Improved membrane technologies
  • Filtration pretreatments – e.g. Ceramic Nanofiltration
  • Network leak detection and remediation technologies
  • Technologies to deliver exactly the right amount of water to exactly the right place
  • Technologies to remove valuable metals from brine
  • Crystallization technologies to reduce / eliminate brine
  • Alternative uses for brine (Solids additives, Steel industry)
  • Value generating uses of sewage sludge – Waste to energy

Water-Energy-Biology Nexus


 Sustainable, Optimized Agri/Aquaculture   
  • Vertical and controlled environment farming
  • Water delivery systems
  • Optimizing water quantity per crop and soil
  • Agri-photovoltaics
  • Soil enhancements for reduced water
  • Delivery systems for soil fertility enhancement
  • Aquaculture systems